Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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  • 04/07 Dynamic Balancing Consultancy

    We provide special services in the world for the benifit of Heavy Electrical Equipment Manufacturers, Power, Steel, Cement Fertilizer Plants:- DYNAMIC BALANCING SERVICE FOR POWER PLANT AT SITE WITH TRANSPORTABLE 50 TON MACHINE: Jp-The relia

    Dynamic Balancing Consultancy
  • 04/01 Turning old into new – modernisation is well worthwhile

    Even if your balancing machine is getting a little long in the tooth, it is still far from ready for the museum. Proven machines can often be modernised at a reasonable cost, so that they once again conform to the current status of the tech

    Turning old into new – modernisation is well worthwhile

    At our Asia Europe-wide service shops we balance your rotors quickly, easily and never far from your door. We balance rotors from 1 gram to 40 tons with a speed range from 100 to 200,000 rpm. For almost every task we have the right solution

  • 03/30 Teleservice–The alternative to on-site maintenance

    Many of our measurement devices and controls no longer need to be maintained on site by our service technicians. Fault diagnosis and rectification, or the installation of software updates and upgrades, can be carried out in a more cost-effe

    Teleservice–The alternative to on-site maintenance
  • 03/29 Energy efficient balancing–Our goal and motivation

    04.04.2016 - All our recently delivered machines and systems carry our Energy efficient balancing system . This gives you the confidence that you are using a balancing machine or diagnosis system that uses energy and raw materials efficient

    Energy efficient balancing–Our goal and motivation
  • 03/23 Transportable Balancing Solution for Global Market

    A special field for hard bearing balancing machines is the power generation industry where a variety of different types and sizes of rotors, especially in case of large turbines and generators, have to be repaired at the site, i.e. power st

    Transportable Balancing Solution for Global Market
  • 03/23 Jp Dynamic Balancing Consultancy

    Whataretheinternationalstandardsforbalancing? Howshouldibalancemyrotors? Whatisthecorrectbalancingspeed? Havequestions?Jpoffersanexpertiseinrotordynamicsandbalancingtechnologyasaconsultingservice.Wewillprovideyoualltheanswertoyourques

    Jp Dynamic Balancing Consultancy
  • 03/21 Our Balancing Machine-Check Program For You

    Have you relocated your system, has your balancing machine been in reliable service for years, or do you want to sell your balancing machine after establishing its residual value? We can assist you by producing an assessment of your system.

    Our Balancing Machine-Check Program For You
  • 03/18 Improving Balancing Quality and Profitability in the Overhau

    Jin Wang- Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd introduces its PHZY series of equipment built to improve balancing quality, efficiency and profitability in the overhaul of turbochargers. Industry forecasters ind

    Improving Balancing Quality and Profitability in the Overhau
  • 03/16 Training with students about balancing machines

    Today we hosted students from shanghai universiry. We believe in training young minds and investing in the next generation. Therefore, 34 high school students visited our headquarters for a unique educational approach that went beyond the c

    Training with students about balancing machines
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