Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd  Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd


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Wish Jp Seminar program 2014 Came to a Successful Conclusion

时间:2014-05-23 14:20:06 点击数:645
On 23th .May 2014.The 4th Seminar program of Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co.,Ltd was formally started.This training seminar has attracted more than 100 participants from motors, fans, brake disc, turbocharger, pumps and other industries to participate
Firstly.Our vice president Mr Tang gave a brief introduction about the development & bright future of Shanghai Jianping Dynamic Balancing Machine Manufacturing Co.,Ltd,then announced the official start of the course
Training course is instructed by our engineer Mr Yan.The content is mainly included Principle of balancing machines,Balancing Grade & Unbalance amount confirmation,How to choose the balancing machine, Balancing Machine accuracy test methods,Typical rotor balancing,Troubleshooting,Explaining  for Measuring systems,Learning and explain balancing machines on-site operation .
After the class,Our After-sale engineer gave learners the advice about dynamic balancing solution
Next Day. Learners came to our factory for site visits and training.To achieve a combination of theory and practice,got  the best results about balancing machine knowledge
Thank you very much to participate in the training of students, thank you for your love and support for the Shanghai Jianping.See you Next Year 2015
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